Payment Plan Co-Creation

  • Full Payment $ 599.00

    Payments are made with our service Samcart. You will be emailed detail within 24-48 hours after purchase.

    Please email Kelly with any questions:

  • 2 Month Payment Plan 2x Payments of $325.00

    1st payment at time of purchase. All following payments will automatically be made on the same day in the following months.

    Payments are made with our service Samcart. You will be emailed detail within 24-48 hours after purchase.

    Please email Kelly with any questions:

  • NEW! 3 Month Payment Plan 3x Payments of $215.00

    1st payment at time of purchase. All following payments will automatically be made on the same day in the following months.

    Payments are made with our service Samcart. You will be emailed detail within 24-48 hours after purchase.

    Please email Kelly with any questions:

  • 7 Weeks + 3 Sessions Payment Plan 3 Months Plan 3x Payments of $378.00

    1st payment at time of purchase. All following payments will automatically be made on the same day in the following months.

    Payments are made with our service Samcart. You will be emailed detail within 24-48 hours after purchase.

    Please email Kelly with any questions: